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Wasteland 2 - Beta : une nouvelle mise à jour!


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Bonjour amis Wastelanders!


Image IPB

Notre équipe apporte pour vous quelques nouvelles concernant Wasteland 2, et plus principalement de sa béta. Dans le dernier communiqué de inXile, on a repéré plusieurs informations qui devraient vous plaire!

Ce communiqué évoque la mise à jour de la béta qui sera délivrée dans la semaine ! Au menu de celle-ci, pas mal de choses intéressantes :

    [*]de nouvelles zones de jeux : un silot à missiles ou encore le village Darwin ont été évoqué, et une toute nouvelle zone à part entière : Los Angeles ! [*]une nouvelle interface pour le système de marchandage [*]des optimisations, quelques rééquilibrages, et corrections de bugs  [*]de nouveaux ennemis (entre autres, des moines suicidaires!?) [*]bonne nouvelle pour les Linuxiens : la béta sera disponible sur l’environnement Linux grâce à cette MAJ.

    On en apprend également un peu plus sur la durée de vie du jeu50 heures de jeu devraient être nécessaires pour terminer le jeu (une vingtaine pour la quête principale), en comptabilisant les quêtes secondaires, et en considérant un rythme de jeu "normal". Bien entendu, l'expérience de jeu peut encore être prolongée si le joueur désire explorer la carte en son intégralité.

    Un gros travail semble avoir été accompli par In-Xile, en ce qui concerne l'interface et l'aide apportée au joueur. Au delà d'un tutoriel initial permettant au joueur de cerner plus facilement le jeu, un système de bulles d'information a été implémenté. Cette bulle apparaîtra quand le joueur effectuera une action particulière (paraît-il de façon non intrusive), et permettra au joueur d'en savoir un peu plus à ce sujet. A savoir que pour les joueurs plus expérimentés, il est possible de désactiver cette fonctionnalité.

    L'interface de marchandage, a complètement été retravaillée, en considérant les demandes des joueurs. À la liste des nouvelles possibilités et améliorations on retiendra qu'il est possible de:

      [*]comparer des objets que vous voulez acheter avec ceux que vous possédez,  [*]gérer plusieurs achats/ventes simultanément, [*]consulter les statistiques d'un objet avant un achat [*]avoir un accès à l'ensemble des inventaires du groupe plutôt que le gérer au cas par cas 

      L'interface délivrée devrait être très proche de celle-ci:

      Image IPB

      Concernant les zones de jeu, In-Xile a placé une bonne partie de son équipe pour travailler sur Los Angeles. Alors que l'Arizona était un environnement désertique, très semblable à l’environnement de Wasteland 1, Los Angeles sera pourvue d'un environnement plus urbains, avec tout ce que l'on peut retrouver dans une grande métropole, avec le côté dévasté en plus, et avec la nature qui reprends ses droits. C'est une zone à part entière, avec une carte du monde séparée de celle de l'Arizona. Bien entendu, des créatures spécifiques à ce lieu font leur apparition et des fanatiques religieux devraient animer un peu l'endroit, et plein d'autres, chacun désirant plus que tout contrôler l'endroit !

      Image IPB

      Je veux éviter de trop m'épancher sur le background de Los Angeles, pour ne pas trop spoiler votre expérience de jeu. Si vous voulez des infos supplémentaires, vous trouverez des éléments intéressants dans l'article original (en anglais). 

      Bien entendu, vous pouvez toujours partager votre expérience dans la partie du forum consacrée à Wasteland 2, notamment concernant cette nouvelle mise à jour!



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La mise à jour est dispo depuis ce matin, il y a vraiment plein de changements, c'est assez génial.


    [*]Les "Titans" sont arrivés ! Avec une nouvelle map. [*]L'écran des marchandage a été entièrement refait. [*]Il ya maintenant des petits tutos sur les différents éléments du gameplay [*]De nouvelles musiques de Mark Morgan [*]Des modifs d'armes et d'armures, notamment sur la pénétration et sur la classe d'armure des ennemis [*]Un sacré paquet d'optimisations et de corrections de bugs. [*]Des tonnes de nouvelles ambiances sonores et de petits sons ajoutés à tous les niveaux [*]Ag Center, Highpool et Prison peuvent être visités dès le début [*]L'Ag Center et Highpool peuvent tous les deux être détruits [*]Temps de chargements réduits



    Pour le Full changelog c'est par la :

    High Profile Fixes:

    The Titans have been released!  A new area is available.

    The vendor screen has been completely redesigned!

    Tutorials have been added

    New Mark Morgan tracks

    Large balance pass on weapons and dropsets across the world

    Large armor penetration pass on weapons and armor class pass on enemies

    Many optimizations and compatibility fixes

    Tons of new ambient tracks and in-world sounds added to all AZ levels

    Ag Center/Highpool/Prison now unlocked from start

    Ag Center and Highpool can both fall now

    Reduced loading times across all scenes

    Combat & Balance:

    PCs can now carry over 1 or 2 unused action points in combat to the next round

    Going rogue CNPCs will now swap weapons if their primary weapon is completely out of ammo

    You can no longer press space bar to end your turn while the PC is doing an action

    Make equipped ammo slot auto-fill from inventory when consumed by reloading and when first equipped

    Prevent ammo from duplicating

    Don’t let party cnpc go rogue if they are out of ammo on ranged weapon and therefore won’t do anything

    Using force attack with a melee weapon properly moves you

    CNCPs going rogue will now finish their multi-turn actions before they rogue

    PCs that equip weapons in combat will also equip ammo for said weapons, but will not automatically reload.

    Skill and attribute commit buttons are now disabled when there are no points to allocate

    Dropping items on the ground should work correctly again

    Disabled weaponsmithing while in combat

    Weaponsmithing: mods was being based on the target item’s owner, instead of the mod’s owner. this has been fixed.

    Weapon CtH crit bonus is now a flat value instead of a multiplier

    Fixed bugs with weapon info tooltips not using the correct skill for determining hit %

    Attributes capped at 10 with bonuses

    Pathfinding in combat now checks to see if a Mob can use ladders ( no more animals climbing ladders )

    Battling NPCs with melee weapons now walk to within range so they can attack now

    Swapping weapons will now interrupt skill use. This should prevent the skill meter from getting stuck overhead forever.

    Fixed a bug with reloading/ujamming and then cone attacking without mousing off a target

    Added a check to disallow ambushing when a rogue CNPC is currently active.

    Anim Infos now have a checkbox to ignore the head look controller

    PCs in combat will now look at the enemies head if they can, instead of the target center

    Increased pathing calculation speed in combat

    Updated combat pathing indicator to be yellow when it’s outside of move & attack range

    Removed unused formation spinning

    Skillbooks should function properly

    NPC Battle AI behaviour will not reset it’s anim state every frame it does not have a target now

    Junkie Melee: Fixed AI template so they would attack correctly.

    Leg Wound status effect gets removed after 10 seconds now

    NPC Ai only considers a target in range if it’s shootable

    NPC AI only considers a target to be in optimal range if the target is visible

    reduced starting carry weight

    increased amount str attribute ties into weight.

    made some items rare

    changed angies age and inventory ammo

    Slicer dicer laser should now be positioned and orientated correctly

    adjusted armor price

    added armor to most vendors

    adjusted rad suit price

    gave angela more starting ammo

    slightly tweaked dropset on ammo

    Added chance to hit and crit by skill level with to stat compare damage estimates

    Changed inventory price modifier from 0.5 to 0.3

    Increased XP to level by 25%

    increased amount of healing per blood pack

    increased amount of rez% on surgeon items

    Adjusted CNPC/Default char starting ammo and increased quantity of ammo instances

    adjusted penetration values on melee weapons

    adjusted CON/Armor/init for enemies

    balance pass on melee weapon damage

    adjusted value, weight

    Quick pass on scrap value for weapons up to and including tier 3

    Adjusted item cost, weight and rarity

    Added armor penetration to stat compare for ranged weapons

    Armor items updated

    Item tooltips account for combat speed being a float value

    Looting an item with a required attribute will now work

    Tweaked AI and cover

    When instigating try to find an appropriate look spot for the head controller (so PCs look at NPCs in the eye in conversation )

    Increased amount of crit gained per level for combat skills

    Wrecking crew AI Pistoleer: Fixed the AI when attacking the player from a lower position.

    Always display combat conditions during combat ( not just the player’s turn )

    Added a check to avoid getting stuck if the entire party is killed in combat.

    Modified descriptions of derived stats to give more details on under the hood #s

    PCstats crit chance now has a multiplier by weapon skill

    Rockets work on NPCs & rogue CNPCs now

    Added some additional AOE decision to AI

    NPCs should no longer stack on top of each other.  Giving them a minimum obstacle avoidance prevents them overlapping but increased their obstacle avoidance priority to 49 so PC’s still can’t push them around.

    When a PC goes Unconscious in combat the camera will focus on them briefly

    Disable ComputerSci on dead robots

    Make sure NPCs set to ignore combat don’t try to flee in CheckForCower()

    User Interface:

    Added a check for non-fullscreen at max resolution.

    When moving the camera, edge scrolling is ignored if the arrow keys are being used

    NPC Ambush now shows the icon over the NPCs head

    Removed combat border FX

    The attribute and skill displays on the bottom panel of the character info screen are now sorted.

    The damage display should now show actual damage values when they update.

    The skill info panel should scroll correctly again.

    Hotkey buttons for items are now cleared when there are no more of that item in the PC’s inventory.

    Surgeon items should now show up in the right-click hotkey menu again.

    Turned compression back on for the HUD and equipment atlas sprites.

    Fixed spelling of Sergeant on certain ranks

    A CNPC’s chance to go rogue is now displayed on the character info panel.

    Set up inventory grids to allow swapping the positions of items if they’re the same size.

    Also added code to allow swapping if there’s sufficient space around both items.

    The backpack menu will not show contents until the pop animation is complete. The scale of the animation was causing issues with NGUI’s clipping. This, in turn, caused the entire contents of the inventory to be displayed, not just the clipped area.

    Updated the character tooltip for use in the conversation HUD

    PCs with applicable skills now highlight in the conversation PC selection bar

    The skip button should no longer be incorrectly masked on the world map.

    Equipping items via right-click menu should now respect the “show equipment in inventory” setting

    It should again be possible to move the hotkey bar in UI customization

    The options screen scroll views should start at the top again

    Make equipped ammo show total of all ammo of that type in the inventory

    Disabled the ambush button collider outside of combat

    The save/load screen will now retain the last sort mode used.

    Fixed the depth of the secondary ammo count on the character info menu

    Updated the keypad menu to include letters.

    The combat action queue rotation button will now only show up when UI customization is enabled

    The description text box should now resize correctly after being saved at a custom size

    The item description label in the item info popup should now colorize text better

    The cursor should now be reset to normal when a drag action is cancelled

    GUI screens are now immediately resized and repositioned based on scale

    It is now possible to scroll the options submenus by using the scroll wheel on the entries themselves

    Added a close button to the skill use menu that shows up when there are no usable items

    The combat XP summary should now scroll correctly

    Reduced resolution for memory considerations

    Dragging an equipped item to the inventory of a different character should correctly transfer the item

    The “currently equipped” tag should show up on equipped items when comparing two of them

    Fixed missing bonuses in mod tooltips

    Crouch button out of combat should have all selected PCs crouch

    Updated weapon skill descriptions

    Fixed some scroll issues with the biography input field in character creation.

    Capped the maximum visible saved games at 150 so that NGUI doesn’t break.

    The default character parts are now available in character creation.

    Added a popdown message when the party fills their canteens at a well.

    Fix grammatical errors for item usage.

    Commiting character skill points makes the plus button go away

    Weaponsmith Cursor has been added

    Fixed level load bug if it loads too fast some GUI cleanup was killing coroutines we didn’t want killed

    The character info menu should now automatically pop up the first time a PC levels up.

    Replaced “load scene” on the title bar of scene load modal with the scene name

    Shortened the delay before auto-comparison to one second.

    Removed floating damage “miss” text

    Removed armor penetration readout from ammo tooltips and added it to weapon tooltips.

    Make Ammo slot on equipped inventory show number in slot only.

    Fixed the screenshot portrait positioning so that the character doesn’t show up off to the side.

    Adjusted the description tooltip to allow for its use without a description.

    No more exclamation points when combat starts

    Mouseover tooltip weight now accounts for quantity

    Made all armor 2x2 in inventory

    Made all weapons 2x1 in inventory

    Added a “rare” sparkle to drag drop items.

    Hit & Crit chance don’t show up for thrown weapons and RPGs

    Added a flag to the sprite animation class to prevent resizing.

    Hit chance in character creation is now displayed in red if the player has not allocated any points to the associated weapon skill.

    Attached the conversation stuff for NPCs to the top of the screen.

    The critical fail % chance message will now show up in red.

    Null ref checks ( hit a bug with an NPC fading out during the delay before combat started )

    Renamed armor item that had an extra space in the name

    Added a non-combat encumbrance indicator to the HUD PC portraits.

    Switched the merchant icon to white.

    UI / music adjustments to Ranger Citadel

    Added a check to avoid prematurely spawning the world map HUD.

    Ammo items with zero quantity are no longer shown in backpacks.

    Mousing over the NPC portrait should no longer cause the PC selection list to pop up.

    Floating text is now cleared when the player loses the game. This should prevent it from popping up on top of the game over screen for the moment.

    Added a check to the popup loot window to avoid having repaired toasters showing up twice in the container list.

    Added a fade down to the main menu buttons that is triggered when the background animation starts.

    Added chance to jam to ranged weapon tooltips.

    It should now be possible to drag ammo around within the backpack panel.

    The character creation menu should now pre-load allowed wearables at start in order to avoid a giant lag spike when switching to the appearance tab.

    Switched the character info menu to toggle when the button is clicked.

    Opening a character info menu will now close any open backpacks and vice versa.

    Added a flag to allow tooltips to prefer to spawn on the left of their reference sprites.

    "Small" mode drag drop items will now default to having their tooltips show to the left.

    Popdown messages should no longer wind up stuck onscreen if they’re onscreen during a cutscene.

    Hidden examines don’t get a mouseover cursor

    Equipped items should no longer be re-equipped by right-click buttons.

    The last journal entry updated will be highlighted when opening the journal screen by clicking on the “log book updated” popdown.

    The loot window can now be closed via event.

    The attack info tooltip should now stay horizontally centered on the screen regardless of HUD scale.

    Fixed some UI issues with the journal screen.

    Currency items now show their total value in the item info tooltip.

    Modified the combat act queue to be positioned like other UI objects.


    Fix the low XP bug for CNPC that were already saved in a saved game

    Exporting characters should now correctly include their portraits and physical customization

    Game is no longer auto-saved when you were loading a saved game

    Added the ability to load a game by double-clicking on the game’s entry in the list

    Replaced “load scene” on the title bar of scene load modal with the scene name

    Importing old exported characters should no longer reset their attributes and skills.


    World Map:

    World Map - drawn path is cleared when mousing over a POI

    World Map: Temporarily disabling Damonta and Silo 7 POIs

    Rejiggered canteens and rad suits to be party-wide items.

    World Map radiation damage overlay

    Animation & Navigation:

    New animated main menu

    Area attacks outside of combat should temporarily put the character in a combat anim state

    When a CNPC joins the party they now play the “Join Party” salute animation

    Fix bug in queued animations that results in the spinning torso.

    Stop NPC’s from doing talk animation during description text bubble.

    Play a pickup animation when picking up something off the ground.

    Fix animation pops.  Looping animations should restart when one-offs start blending out instead of when one-offs are completely done.

    Fix spinning Cirque Du Soleil torsos.

    Head Look Controller

    Humans now use a head look controller - Blends looking at targets with the animations by turning the spine and neck bones

    Out of combat friendlies will turn to face the party leader if he’s within their perception radius

    Human Mobs will now head look to turn to directly face a target when shooting out of high cover

    Mobs using head look will twist to face a target within 45 degrees of their current facing instead of turn stepping.

    Added flag on NPC templates to disable head look

    Added spawner override to use head look


    Added weapon miss SFX

    Better propane tank SFX

    Added SFX to fire prefab in highpool

    Added SFX for broken glassware

    Added Spark SFX

    Added dripping goop sfx

    Added sound effects to aces wrench and crowbar

    Lowered Kathy’s VO volume

    Improved generator SFX

    Shovel SFX improvements

    Revised looped battle music variations added

    New battle audio track has been added

    Crouch / Stand volume adjust

    fixed horrible skill hover sound

    LAW rocket “shoosh” sound added (loop)

    New Tutorial Sounds Added

    Changed soundscapes to have level music in the correct field

    Cops maps music and ambience / sfx mixing pass

    Music added to LevelMusic but music not playing, will Jira to Ben

    XP total new sound and assignment, 8999

    Added SFX for Aoe weapon pickup

    Ambience update to Ranger Citadel - mix pass

    Atchison rail nomad full ambient sfx pass


    added detail to combat knife textures

    Exploded crate pieces will reparent to the FX folder when the physics timer runs out so they are not destroyed when the crate is changed to the destroyed state

    Hiding the evidence…until CK gives the nod

    Main Menu FX - fixed seam on building card, added animation of scorpitron to script

    Main Menu FX - changed shader on BG bldg for proper transparency, set up all elements for triggered animation by Chris, changed BG color of camera

    Thresher FX - tweaks to color/opacity for skid FX, ground dust

    Movement Range FX are now drawn over time in small increments over many frames to reduce start of PC combat turn lagging

    Movement range fx squares are no longer cached on scene start up but when now when combat starts but over time so there’s no delay

    polish art pass on all AZ levels. 

    Technical & Text:

    Make seed pods not turn pink after they explode.

    Fixed a bug that was preventing items from being equipped.

    Bug fix when teleporting a PC when they’re currently going through a door or climbing a ladder

    Created an atlas for the item sparkle effect.

    Conversation when all keyboard input is going to the keyword typing-input bar

    Changed party selection with Fn keys to not try to toggle selection (as that was causing a bug causing it to do nothing sometimes). It only selects now

    Added an application target frame rate of 60fps so video cards don’t overheat

    Added a flag to tell whether a PC has committed points after leveling up.

    Head look doesn’t follow animations when aiming anymore

    Adjusted look point so it’s aiming at center of chest instead of waist on human targets

    Turning to target also calls a head look when finished turning

    Fix null ref when dictionary to save is null.

    Fix loot distance checking to check at time loot is about to be transferred as target could have moved out of range in that time.

    Make sure loot is targeted to pc leader. 

    Update the loot target selection whenever pc leader changes to be the pc leader.

    Anti-aliasing is now only set by the post process on the camera.

    Disabled Quality setting AntiAliasing because it doesn’t appear to do anything


    Killing innocent civilians will now step through several warning barks from Angela or Rose before they both leave. This only ever barked once before, but they would never leave.

    Logbook & Radio:

    Make Ag Center and Highpool discoverable from the start of the game

    Prison can now be accessed on the world map from the start of the game.

    Fixed up Rick’s quest line. Made sure it all worked and added some new journal entries for him.

    Had to make a new location for the journals as Darwin Village wasn’t listed.

    Level Design, Balance, Reactivity:

    Ag Center: Make impossible safe possible

    Ag Center: Clean up Peter interactions

    Ag Center: Add injection sfx to curing Matt

    Ag Center: More goop has been added

    Ag Center: Kathy radio cleanup

    Ag Center: Fixing up numerous navmesh issues.

    Ag Center: Kathy Destroyed logic

    Ag Center: Clean up safes in CB

    Ag Center: Fix a broken keyword for Patrick

    Ag Center: Use correct event for Skinner leaving level

    Ag Center: Party members should no longer be blocked from combat

    Ag Center: Pod people should properly reinforce their brethren

    Ag Center: Cut Kathy’s call about Rachel

    Ag Center: Clean up some encounters if you kill innocents

    Ag Center: Reconnect lost item reference

    Ag Center: Fixed duplicate cmd.say() statements in Kathy.

    Ag Center: Give Skinner some more combat barks

    Ag Center: Patrick logic

    Ag Center: Make Larson look at you before attacking

    Ag Center: Pod examine edit

    Ag Center: Fixed a save load issue with Skinner if he’s already following you and you move to his exit trigger.

    Ag Center: AZ01 Central Complex Destroyed full ambient sfx pass

    Ag Center: Killing Fields Destroyed full ambient sfx pass, check on pod explosions (someone is triggering a grenade sound there too!)

    Ag Center: New Patrick Larson explosion

    Ag Center: Better descritpion for destroyed pods

    Ag Center: Fixed issue with instigate points on weak walls in central basement.

    Ag Center: Temp remove audio from Kathy Lawson Destroyed

    Ag Center: Fix issue with Skinner keywords

    Ag Center: Turn off Debug object in CB

    Ag Center: Honeydew description fix

    Ag Center: Made pod fragments stackable. Readded pods to proper dropset.

    Ag Center: Infected station: remove some unwanted props

    Ag Center: Remove unused highlight from plants

    Ag Center: Big ol’ pass on removing NMOs. Redoing brambles to use OMLs instead.

    Atchison Camp: Fixed one of the sombat zones was disabled.

    Atchison Camp: Balanced items and dropsets

    Atchison Camp: Fixed Bug 9010 fixed an AI’s patrol path from walking to the wrong spot.

    Highpool: Fixed a BUG in the ROACH footfall names (GET IT!?)(

    Highpool: Clean up how Wrecker Stronghold is revealed

    Highpool: Tweaked cover spots and AI

    Highpool: Fixed graphical error with floating water in Highpool

    Highpool: Tweaked Pistoleer AI. Moved some cover peices closer to eachother.

    Highpool: Dr. Scott’s medical supplies can only be stolen if the medical crate has been unlocked

    Highpool: Added trash bag behind Jack’s place. Had to recut nav and rebuild

    Highpool: Booby trap setttings

    Highpool: Make sure Kate disappears at the right time.

    Highpool: Patient behavior cleanup

    Highpool: Wreckers fire mortar before players stop them.

    Highpool: Cleanup new propane/mortar elements

    Highpool: Tier 2 townies don’t run after fight

    Highpool: demote importance of Garoof quest

    Highpool: Give mortar display name.

    Highpool: Make dead synth behave like the one in AZ10

    Highpool: Change burning house valve desc text to be less obvious about skill use

    Highpool: Bergin fights!

    Highpool: Kate Preston topside cleanup

    Highpool: Make underground doorways work better

    Highpool: Reattach Bergin and guards’ wait triggers

    Highpool Destroyed: Fixed bug where combat was calling in an extra group when it shouldn’t have.

    Highpool Underground - 2nd audio ambience pass (full)

    Highpool Saved & Destroyed: Tweak melee AI templates.

    Infested Pump Station’s waterfalls fixed

    Leve L’Upe Mine: Fixed Bug 9502 added instigate points to the TNT.

    Prison : Added encounters of Red Scorpions for the return visit also added cover.

    Prison: Heavy machine gun foreman should be targetable in combat

    Prison: Balanced items and dropsets

    Prison: Fixed Bug 9379 fixed combat path.

    Prison: Better responses to breaking the well.

    Prison: Changed drama sequence so running pigs will start back up where they left off if level is saved and reloaded.

    Prison: Pitbull radio trigger fixed so it doesn’t trigger no matter if it should.

    Prison: Ma/Pa/Hole digger combat grouping in Prison

    Prison: Fix issue where Gladys disappeared too soon

    Prison: Rev Thomas encounter, Johnie and Dweezle encounter and Tonza cleanup.

    Prison: Fixed character falling through terrain sort of. Their feet will clip through at a couple spots but this is as good as its going to get this is a Unity bug and we can only do so much with it.

    Prison: Attended two informative meetings on the dialogue and quest systems for Tides.

    Prison: Don’t trigger cutscene if participants are dead

    Prison: Tweaked the AI in Prison maps and silo maps. Added some cover and moved around some AI positions.

    Prison: Fixed characters falling through objects

    Radio Tower: Obtaining log page one now correctly unlocks the ability to obtain Ace’s Log book

    Radio Tower: Fixed Bug 9131 collider blocking mouse click

    Radio Tower: Fixed Bug 5183 fixed a bug where the map could be clicked a second time even though it was picked up.

    Radio Tower: Reduced duration of Murder Site radio call

    Rail Nomads: Balanced drops

    Rail Nomad: Tweak Junkie AI. Fixed special attack

    Rail Nomads: Hobos in Rail Nomads now attack you if you’ve killed the Hobo King

    Rail Nomads: Hobos at Gorky’s Distillery now flee if you kill the Truck Driver

    Rail Nomads: Samuel Haas drops Ace’s Log Book if it has not already been obtained

    Rail Nomads: Fixed missing examine text for casey’s arm.

    Rail Nomads: Fixed player falling through bridge.

    Rail Nomads: Doubled the wander radius on waste wolves.

    Rail Nomads: Fix issue with big combat at end of scene

    Rail Nomads: Demote blown-up Topekan journal entry

    Rail Nomads: New population sign for Rail Nomads

    Rail Nomads: Fixed an issue wherein Ralphy would enter an empty conversation when approaching the museum in Ranger Citadel.

    Rail Nomads: Fixed an issue wherein Jessie would enter the incorrect state if the player interacted with the bicycle in the playground.

    Rail Nomads: Fixed an issue wherein the Injured Topekan journal entry did not resolve.

    Rail Nomads: Anna has a change of heart and seeks out a new lifestyle if peace is achieved in Rail Nomads.

    Rail Nomads: The Calvin family has new dialog if peace is obtained.

    Rail Nomads:  Gorkinovich has new dialog if peace is obtained.

    Rail Nomads:  Fixed an issue wherein Choppers did not reappear after the peace ceremony.

    Rail Nomads:  The female Topekan oracle worshiper has new dialog if peace is obtained.

    Rail Nomads:  Mrs. Parker’s dialog changes if peace is compelete.

    Rail Nomads:  Added a unique dropset for Mrs. Parker.

    Rail Nomads: Fix generator so it doesn’t trigger the alarm after you attach the coupler

    Rail Nomads: Hooked up new population sign art for Rail Nomads

    Rail Nomads:  Mr Holliday has new dialog if peace is compelete.

    Rail Nomads:  Casey now agrees to lose his left arm.

    Rail Nomads:  Anti-Atchisons radio calls no longer occur if peace is complete.

    Rail Nomads:  Quarex’s dialog changes if peace is complete.

    Rail Nomads: All hanging bodies and Atchison warning signs will now disappear following the peace ceremony.

    Rail Nomads: Casey James and his Atchison crew no longer appear at the Atchisons entrace after the peace ceremony has completed.

    Random Encounter: Fixed missing clothes on RSM

    Random Encounter: Removed weapons from cowering civilians in random encounters

    Random Encounter Venders: Gave venders 1000 scrap

    Random Map 3: Fixed Bug 9623 level bound was to small.

    Random Map 3: Fixed Bug 9622 stopped characters from falling through ramps.

    Ranger Citadel: Making sure NPCs sit on their chairs

    Ranger Citadel: Nur gives updated weapon

    Ranger Citadel: Funeral ranger pathing cleanup

    Ranger Citadel: Drill Team cleanup

    Ranger Citadel: Clean up Solveig conv

    Ranger Citadel: Removing duplicate player starts that were causing trouble

    Ranger Citadel: Fixing Vargas movement points for LA Briefing

    Ranger Citadel: Cleanup Baychowski wake up sequence

    Ranger Citadel: Make sure Nur doesn’t welcome you when you’re leaving

    Ranger Citadel: Fix med bay layout, some spawner issues with Tideman

    Ranger Citadel: Fixed an issue wherein you could not discuss Ace’s Log Book if you exited the conversation too soon.

    Ranger Citadel: Convert Rick Baychowski from CNPC to follower

    Ranger Citadel: Improvements to Drill CNPC 3, descriptor for gate

    Ranger Citadel: Better text for cancer journal

    Ranger Citadel: Add new CNPC rejoins

    Ranger Citadel: Adding drop to the toaster in the museum

    Ranger Citadel: Trigger Rick “ask to leave” conversation at the RV map

    Ranger Citadel: Polish items

    Ranger Citadel: Only one success on Finster head

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    Robots: Fixed Bug 9274 Changed Robots! To Abandoned Railway.

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Un jeu aujourd'hui c'est 5h environ je crois.Un rpg vraiment bon, sa tourne dans les 30h si l'on veut faire le plus important.Fallout et TES dépassent les 50h par contre.

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Flibidi, je suis sur la démo là, et crois moi il y a déjà largement plus de 50h.

En fait, les 50h c'est si tu ne fait que les quêtes principales (qui ne sont pas forcément faciles à identifier).

Perso je pense que quelqu'un qui aime l'exploration et qui fait les quêtes annexes en a au moins pour le double sinon plus.

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Surtout que même s'il reprends un gameplay proche de Tactics, Wasteland a l'air d'être un véritable RPG, un RPG dans lequel tu fais des choix qui t'ouvrent certains arcs narratifs et t'en referment d'autres.Pour connaître toutes les options, tu es obligé de jouer plusieurs fois. Cette replayabilité offre une durée de vie plus importante que Fallout 3, où tu as pratiquement tout fait en 1-2 parties.


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Et puis personnellement vu que j'aime bien prendre mon temps pour bien explorer toute la carte le temps de jeu risque d'être décuplé. Et comme le dit naossano, la rejouabilité devrait aussi augmenter la durée.

benf.thumb.png.9b3fe7970776e93792c8f88e04c5149d (1).png

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